Monday, March 9, 2009

Giggle, Wiggle & Wobble

The first pod-cast was deceptively easy. Walk briskly for several minutes run for a minute, return to walking, run for 90 seconds, walk, run a minute and finally finish by walking to cool down. Total time on treadmill – 35 minutes. Not to say I didn’t find this challenging – just I wasn’t experiencing the heart pounding, side tearing, breathless exertion I was anticipating. You repeated this pod-cast 3 times in a single week then progressed to week two – wherein he increased the time running and decrease the time walking. This continues all through the pod-casts, until you hit weeks where there are long continuous runs starting around 25 minutes and progressively getting longer as the weeks progress. Something happens to a person when they run for anything longer than 5 minutes. They feel the vibration of body parts giggle and in some incidents (larger parts) wobble in a ways they have never moved before. I was convinced that if by no other means my love handles would simply vibrate right off my body along with ruling majority of my ass. But thankfully these thoughts did not persist long, because another concern was suddenly brought to my attention. Apparently I was a host for some kind of parasitic alien. I knew this be true, because due to all the shaking I was undergoing, it had become angry and was responding by causing the sharp pain in my side. You might call it a “side stitch”, but this pain moved from one side to another and was relentless. Thus, obliviously alien in nature. I was determined to complete my first long run. I firmly told the alien to “quit it!” ignoring the odd looks from the other gym goers. My list of aliments however, doesn’t end there. I had suddenly become asthmatic. Seeing my reflection in the window in front of me, I could see my face was deeply red, beginning to look a bit purple around the edges. I was huffing and puffing, but couldn’t get any air in. My pony tail was at an angle (not on purpose), I was dripping sweat (just gross), and then the minor fact that I couldn’t breathe. I finished my run, marking a top speed of 4.5 mph on the treadmill and collapsed on the floor in the stretching area. My legs were J-E-L-L-O, but honestly I was proud of my accomplishment. Next time, I would try it without crying.

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